(не показаны 9 промежуточные версии 1 участника) |
Строка 1: |
Строка 1: |
− | //Messages | + | /*WikiEditor/Викификатор*/ |
− | | + | if (document.URL.indexOf('action=edit') > 0 || document.URL.indexOf('action=submit') > 0) { |
− | function editZeroSection(){
| + | mw.loader.load( '//ru.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Wikificator.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript' ); |
− | if( !wgArticleId ) return
| + | |
− | mw.util.$content.find('h2')
| + | |
− | .children('.editsection:first')
| + | |
− | .clone().prependTo('#bodyContent')
| + | |
− | .css('float','right')
| + | |
− | .find('a')
| + | |
− | .attr('title', zeroSectionTip)
| + | |
− | .attr('href', wgScript + '?title='+mw.util.wikiUrlencode(wgPageName) + '&action=edit§ion=0' )
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | | + | |
− | //Collapsiblе: [[ВП:СБ]]
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | var hasClass = (function (){
| + | |
− | var reCache = {}
| + | |
− | return function (element, className){
| + | |
− | return (reCache[className] ? reCache[className] : (reCache[className] = new RegExp("(?:\\s|^)" + className + "(?:\\s|$)"))).test(element.className)
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | })()
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | function collapsibleTables(){
| + | |
− | var Table, HRow, HCell, btn, a, tblIdx = 0, colTables = []
| + | |
− | var allTables = document.getElementsByTagName('table')
| + | |
− | for (var i=0; Table = allTables[i]; i++){
| + | |
− | if (!hasClass(Table, 'collapsible')) continue
| + | |
− | if (!(HRow=Table.rows[0])) continue
| + | |
− | if (!(HCell=HRow.getElementsByTagName('th')[0])) continue
| + | |
− | Table.id = 'collapsibleTable' + tblIdx
| + | |
− | btn = document.createElement('span')
| + | |
− | btn.style.cssText = 'float:right; font-weight:normal; font-size:smaller'
| + | |
− | a = document.createElement('a')
| + | |
− | a.id = 'collapseButton' + tblIdx
| + | |
− | a.href = 'javascript:collapseTable(' + tblIdx + ');'
| + | |
− | a.style.color = HCell.style.color
| + | |
− | a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(NavigationBarHide))
| + | |
− | btn.appendChild(a)
| + | |
− | HCell.insertBefore(btn, HCell.childNodes[0])
| + | |
− | colTables[tblIdx++] = Table
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | for (var i=0; i < tblIdx; i++)
| + | |
− | if ((tblIdx > NavigationBarShowDefault && hasClass(colTables[i], 'autocollapse')) || hasClass(colTables[i], 'collapsed'))
| + | |
− | collapseTable(i)
| + | |
| } | | } |
| | | |
− | function collapseTable (idx){ | + | var customizeToolbar = function() { |
− | var Table = document.getElementById('collapsibleTable' + idx)
| + | |
− | var btn = document.getElementById('collapseButton' + idx)
| + | |
− | if (!Table || !btn) return false
| + | |
− | var Rows = Table.rows
| + | |
− | var isShown = (btn.firstChild.data == NavigationBarHide)
| + | |
− | btn.firstChild.data = isShown ? NavigationBarShow : NavigationBarHide
| + | |
− | var disp = isShown ? 'none' : Rows[0].style.display
| + | |
− | for (var i=1; i < Rows.length; i++)
| + | |
− | Rows[i].style.display = disp
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
| | | |
− | function collapsibleDivs(){
| + | $( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', { |
− | var navIdx = 0, colNavs = [], i, NavFrame
| + | 'section': 'advanced', |
− | var divs = document.getElementById('content').getElementsByTagName('div')
| + | 'group': 'format', |
− | for (i=0; NavFrame = divs[i]; i++) {
| + | 'tools': { |
− | if (!hasClass(NavFrame, 'NavFrame')) continue
| + | 'wikify': { |
− | NavFrame.id = 'NavFrame' + navIdx
| + | label: 'Викификатор', |
− | var a = document.createElement('a')
| + | type: 'button', |
− | a.className = 'NavToggle'
| + | icon: '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/06/Wikify-toolbutton.png', |
− | a.id = 'NavToggle' + navIdx
| + | action: { |
− | a.href = 'javascript:collapseDiv(' + navIdx + ');'
| + | type: 'callback', |
− | a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(NavigationBarHide))
| + | execute: function(context){ |
− | for (var j=0; j < NavFrame.childNodes.length; j++)
| + | Wikify(); |
− | if (hasClass(NavFrame.childNodes[j], 'NavHead'))
| + | } |
− | NavFrame.childNodes[j].appendChild(a)
| + | } |
− | colNavs[navIdx++] = NavFrame
| + | } |
− | }
| + | } |
− | for (i=0; i < navIdx; i++)
| + | } ); |
− | if ((navIdx > NavigationBarShowDefault && !hasClass(colNavs[i], 'expanded')) || hasClass(colNavs[i], 'collapsed'))
| + | }; |
− | collapseDiv(i)
| + | |
− | }
| + | if ( $.inArray( mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ), ['edit', 'submit'] ) !== -1 ) { |
− | | + | mw.loader.using( 'user.options', function () { |
− | function collapseDiv(idx) {
| + | if ( mw.user.options.get('usebetatoolbar') ) { |
− | var div = document.getElementById('NavFrame' + idx)
| + | mw.loader.using( 'ext.wikiEditor.toolbar', function () { |
− | var btn = document.getElementById('NavToggle' + idx)
| + | $(document).ready( customizeToolbar ); |
− | if (!div || !btn) return false
| + | } ); |
− | var isShown = (btn.firstChild.data == NavigationBarHide)
| + | } |
− | btn.firstChild.data = isShown ? NavigationBarShow : NavigationBarHide
| + | } ); |
− | var disp = isShown ? 'none' : 'block'
| + | |
− | for (var child = div.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling)
| + | |
− | if (hasClass(child, 'NavPic') || hasClass(child, 'NavContent'))
| + | |
− | child.style.display = disp
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | | + | |
− | //Execution | + | |
− | mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.util', function() {
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | | + | |
− | if (wgCanonicalNamespace == 'Special'){
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | if (/^(Uplo|Sear|Stat|Spec|Abus|Prefe|Move|Watch|Newp|Log)/i.test(wgCanonicalSpecialPageName))
| + | |
− | importMW(wgCanonicalSpecialPageName)
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | }else switch (wgAction){ | + | |
− | | + | |
− | case 'history': importMW('History'); break
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | case 'delete': importMW('Deletepage'); break | + | |
− | | + | |
− | case 'edit': case 'submit': importMW('Editpage') //and continue with the default: view, purge
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | default:
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | $(editZeroSection)
| + | |
− | addOnloadHook(collapsibleDivs)
| + | |
− | addOnloadHook(collapsibleTables)
| + | |
− | mw.loader.load('//meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Wikiminiatlas.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&smaxage=21600&maxage=86400')
| + | |
− | if( document.location && document.location.protocol == 'https:' )
| + | |
− | importMW('Secure')
| + | |
− | if (navigator.platform.indexOf('Win') != -1)
| + | |
− | mw.util.addCSS('.IPA, .Unicode { font-family: "Arial Unicode MS", "Lucida Sans Unicode"; }')
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | | + | |
− |
| + | |
− | switch( wgNamespaceNumber ){
| + | |
− | case 0: case 100:
| + | |
− | $(LinkFA)
| + | |
− | importMW('Osm')
| + | |
− | if( wgArticleId==4401 ) importMW('Mainpage')
| + | |
− | break
| + | |
− | case 6:
| + | |
− | importMW('Filepage')
| + | |
− | break
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | | + | |
− | //extra scripts
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | var withJS = document.URL.match(/[&?]withjs=((mediawiki:)?([^&#]+))/i)
| + | |
− | if( withJS ) importScript_('MediaWiki:'+withJS[3])
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | var execJS = document.getElementById('executeJS')
| + | |
− | if( execJS )
| + | |
− | $.each( execJS.className.split(' '), function(i, sc){
| + | |
− | sc = $.trim( sc.replace(/[^\w ]/g,'') )
| + | |
− | if( sc ) importMW('Script/' + sc)
| + | |
− | })
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | | + | |
− | function addWikifButton() {
| + | |
− | var toolbar = document.getElementById('toolbar')
| + | |
− | if (!toolbar) return
| + | |
− | var i = document.createElement('img')
| + | |
− | i.src = 'http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikisource/ru/d/d1/Button-wikifikator.png'
| + | |
− | i.alt = i.title = 'викификатор'
| + | |
− | i.onclick = Wikify
| + | |
− | i.style.cursor = 'pointer'
| + | |
− | toolbar.appendChild(i)
| + | |
− | } | + | |
− | if (wgAction == 'edit' || wgAction == 'submit') {
| + | |
− | importScriptURI('http://ru.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Wikificator.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript') | + | |
− | addOnloadHook(addWikifButton)
| + | |
| } | | } |